Should you be doing Youtube Marketing for your business?

When it comes to online marketing, the obvious choice is to have a website, Facebook page and a blog in order to create content and drive brand awareness for your business. But, did you know that one-third of total time online is spent watching videos on YouTube, which has more than a billion active users?
The world of video is hard to ignore, but it’s also quite intimidating for many business owners. If you hate being in front of the camera, or do an awkward twitch whenever someone videos you, then the prospect of Youtube as marketing channel might seem unobtainable for your skillset.
In fact, another reason why business owners shy away from Youtube is because of the onus of filming and editing the videos themselves. If you’re afraid of putting out a low quality video and how this affects your brand, then I hear ya! It’s a valid reason to have had trepidation towards Youtube marketing but I have some quick and easy ideas for how you can overcome this and elevate your business on Youtube.
First of all, here’s some Youtube Stats
- After Google, Youtube is the internet’s second largest search engine.
- There are 15,000,000 unique Australian visitors per month on Youtube.
- Only 9% of small businesses are on YouTube – that’s a huge opportunity for you to stand out.
- People are searching for ‘how to’ videos all the time and 59% of executives surveyed prefer to watch a video than read a long blog post when they’re researching.
Six Types of YouTube Videos to Create
In a recent article from the Huffington Post, companies seeing the greatest YouTube success ranked different types of videos by their importance and effectiveness. Here are six types of Youtube video content that are performing well for brands and businesses.
1. Customer testimonials
The power of a customer testimonial is enhanced when in video form. Why? Because these short-form interviews with satisfied customers how actual real people – rather than a written review on a screen, which let’s face it could have been created in bulk by an off-shore contractor.
Customer testimonials can help build company and product credibility, so featuring these on your Youtube channel are a great strategy.
2. Product demonstration videos
If you have a product or service, then demonstration videos are a great way to show off the benefits of the product, or your expertise if you offer a service. When people see something in action, it helps to build trust.
Can you see a pattern here for why Youtube is an effective marketing channel?

3. Tutorial and explainer videos
Tutorials can be used to answer customer support questions or explain a new product feature, whereas explainer videos are in-depth videos showing you how to use a product.
Not only do these types of videos build trust that your product or service works, they also help your customers to use the products properly and (hopefully) become brand advocates and repeat customers.
4. Interviews with thought leaders
Influencer marketing is huge right now and although naysayers are convinced the bubble of influencers will burst soon, I completely disagree.
The way we consume content online, especially with younger audiences such as Gen Zs means we’re connecting more with every day people creating content. Interviews with influencers, experts or thought leaders can help to amplify your company’s credibility in an industry, as it aligns your brand with them in a subtle yet effective way.
Project reviews or case studies recap a successful campaign or project and often include statistics and results.
5. Video blogs / Vlogging
Ahh the vlog. Say this word to your Grandma and watch her tune her hearing aid to try understand you.
Video blogs or vlogs, are daily or weekly videos documenting daily life or events. Not reserved for influencers or beauty gurus, a Vlog is an intimate way for your to connect with your audience and show them who you are behind the brand.
Having a personal experience by showing up in your business’ content and communicating to your audience that you’re a real person can help to form strong connections with your audience and make them brand loyalists.
You could also record a video that summarises or highlights a blog post so your audience has multiple ways to digest the content you’re creating.
6. Event videos
Heading to an event? Hosting one? You should 100% be filming that shit! Event videos show off your business in a unique way, show the popularity of your products and can feature live testings and feedback from people you meet.
If you’re hosting learning sessions, you can also use event videos to promote your future events and sell more tickets.
So there you go, 6 ways to use Youtube marketing for your business and hardly any of them need to feature you as a business owner stuttering on camera. Look, it’s always weird at first to get used to the sound of your own voice and look on screen, but practice makes perfect so the more you get in front of the lens the more comfortable you’ll become!
Want a low-cost solution for your Youtube marketing? Get in touch with me today!